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Hotel Programme

Lionel India provides an extensive range of accommodation solutions for short business trips, long stays, group travel, conferences and events. Lionel India hotel specialists will proactively provide alternatives in order to assist you in the realization of maximum value, through an experienced and dedicated team of hotel specialists.

Let the professionals manage your business stays

Lionel India offers cost-effective accommodation and lodging solutions worldwide, customised to the needs of today’s business travellers who are adept to the latest online hotel searching and booking. At Lionel India, the emphasis is on research and contracting the optimum solution in view of the specific requirement of our clients. Our objective is to deliver the most effective solutions at your doorstep resulting in dual gain through the reduction in overall purchasing spend on one side and cost-saving on manpower employed in reservation and research on the other.

Our customised Hotel service includes…

  • Short Stays – Business/Leisure
  • Long Stays
  • Group Travel